Below you'll find two workouts - Beginner/Intermediate and Advanced. Don't be cocky...choose accordingly.
Also...NOTE THE NEW WORKOUT OPTION! In addition to "Beginner/Intermediate" and "Advanced", you'll find FitDeck (described in more detail below).
Note: These workouts shouldn't take more than 60 minutes.
Dynamic Warmup: 10 Jumping Jacks, 10 Body Weight Squats, 10 Squat Jumps, 10 Hip Bends, 10 Include Pushups
Activity A: 3 Sets || 10 - 12 Repetitions || 45 - 60 seconds rest
1. Burpees
2. Stability Ball Roll Out
Activity B: 3 Sets 10 - 12 Repetitions || 45 - 60 seconds rest
1. Dumbbell traveling lunge
2. Incline dumbbell chest press
Activity C: 3 Sets 10 - 12 Repetitions || 45 - 60 seconds rest
1. Cable Row
2. Stability Ball Leg Curl
Static Stretch
Dynamic Warmup: 10 Lunge Walks with Torso Twist, 10 Pushups, 10 Squat Jacks, 10 Butt Kickers, 10 Stiff Legged Dead Lift Walk
Activity A: 4 Sets || 5 Repetitions || 60 - 90 seconds rest
1. Hang Clean and Press
2. Hanging Leg Raises
Activity B: 3 Sets || 6 - 8 Repetitions || 60 seconds rest
1. Front Squat
2. Chin Ups
Activity C: 3 Sets || 6 - 8 Repetitions || 60 seconds rest
1. Hyperextensions
2. Pushups
Activity D:
1. Overhead Medicine Ball Slams
2. Side-to-Side Jumps
Foam Roller
FitDeck is a unique exercise modality best for those of you with limited space, limited equipment, and limited time. FitDeck is designed to combine intense total body resistance training with cardiovascular training in an effort to maximize limited time.
Equipment: 1 full deck of playing cards, 2 dumbbells or kettlebells, or 1 barbell or sand bag.
Instructions: Each Suit is assigned an activity. As you flip through the deck perform repetitions of the same number on the card of that Suit's activity (J is 11, Q is 12, K is 13, Ace is 1 or 14). For example, If the "diamond" activity is pushups, when you flip 10 of Diamonds, perform 10 pushups.
Take rests as needed, but no longer than 1 minute. Work up to completing an entire FitDeck without rest.
Diamond: Kettebell or Dumbbell Swing
Hearts: Jumping Jacks
Spades: Squat Thrusts
Clover: Mountain Climbers
2. Stability Ball Leg Curl
Static Stretch
Dynamic Warmup: 10 Lunge Walks with Torso Twist, 10 Pushups, 10 Squat Jacks, 10 Butt Kickers, 10 Stiff Legged Dead Lift Walk
Activity A: 4 Sets || 5 Repetitions || 60 - 90 seconds rest
1. Hang Clean and Press
2. Hanging Leg Raises
Activity B: 3 Sets || 6 - 8 Repetitions || 60 seconds rest
1. Front Squat
2. Chin Ups
Activity C: 3 Sets || 6 - 8 Repetitions || 60 seconds rest
1. Hyperextensions
2. Pushups
Activity D:
1. Overhead Medicine Ball Slams
2. Side-to-Side Jumps
Foam Roller
FitDeck is a unique exercise modality best for those of you with limited space, limited equipment, and limited time. FitDeck is designed to combine intense total body resistance training with cardiovascular training in an effort to maximize limited time.
Equipment: 1 full deck of playing cards, 2 dumbbells or kettlebells, or 1 barbell or sand bag.
Instructions: Each Suit is assigned an activity. As you flip through the deck perform repetitions of the same number on the card of that Suit's activity (J is 11, Q is 12, K is 13, Ace is 1 or 14). For example, If the "diamond" activity is pushups, when you flip 10 of Diamonds, perform 10 pushups.
Take rests as needed, but no longer than 1 minute. Work up to completing an entire FitDeck without rest.
Diamond: Kettebell or Dumbbell Swing
Hearts: Jumping Jacks
Spades: Squat Thrusts
Clover: Mountain Climbers