The DailyFit program is a starting point for the average person looking for structure to their workouts. These workouts are not a substitute for a custom tailored, individual exercise program created by a Fit2You, Fitness Expert. Email to set up a free fitness and wellness consultation, or for information about enrolling in our eFit and TravelFit programs.
Perform Today's Workout as "Giant Sets" - Perform the first four activities back to back, resting only upon completion, repeat three times. Then, move on to the last four activities, resting only upon completion, repeat three times. If necessary, rest 20-30 seconds between activities.
1. 10 Body-weight Squats
2. 10 Alternating Stationary Lunges
3. 10 Jump Squats
4. 10 Scissor Jumps (Lunge-Jumps)
1. 10 Neutral Grip Pull-ups (or assisted pull-ups)
2. 10 Pushups
3. 10 Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows
4. 10 Parallel Bar Dips.
Disclaimer: Fit2You provides DailyFit for those of you looking for simple, effective workout routines. Please note that any exercise program includes inherent risks such as injury, or even death. Before embarking on any exercise regimen you should check with your doctor, especially if you have a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or if you have previous or existing injuries. All exercisers should seek professional guidance to avoid injury. All exercise should be performed under proper supervision. It is important to read the DailyFit beginner information and disclaimers posted on April 8.